wich would probably be a person who has no problems, a family that docent fight and get on and who was sight who had a job and a happy live. i am sorry but every won has somthing no won is pefect or normal not iven supper models. every won is unic. people are trying to fit in to a box ifen tho there is no human who can actuly be this normal or pefect. i think people should inbrass who they are and accept them selfs for who they are.in sted of trying to fit in to this morma lpefect live that dosen't exsist. mabye at won point it did but is dosent now. so for every won out there you need are beautifful just the way you are dont chage who u are just to appere to fit in you are u and you no won else. Dont fit in to eny category as Judy garland says "allways bea first rate version of your self, insead of a second rate version of somebody else
what is right for you may not be right be somewon else. it may mean having to stand on your own and do somthng strange in the eyes of others, but do not be daunted do whatever it is becouse you know within it is right for you
'Normality' is something of a fiction Beth, designed to make anyone with a spark of originality feel like a freak! Beth, when you stand on stage in front of an audience, it's just you...press 'PLAY' fearlessly on the backing track; never press rewind, never fast forward....live in the moment...brash, out, proud as who you are...nobody needs any excuse for being themselves as long as you hurt nobody in the process