hey i want to talk to all my readers to day about invisible problems. It difficult having a invisible problem or disability, i mean if u have a physical disability every wons all over you. people feel Riley sorry for the person in the wheelchair or who is blind or other physical conditios. there fisable to people so the under stand more and they can see that there dealing with a lot.
but for some like me who have hidden problems there not fisable to the eye nesserlaly. beause most of my conditions are all to do with the brain, people can't see what a tuff time some won like me is going through. It essayer for people like me to hide what there going through so people don't know.
In the past i have had people not believe me when i say what i have been diagnosed with like bi polor or dyslexia. they will desmiss it because the cant see anything wrong with me. In the past i have had a lot of prejudiced offer my codistions. when i was a kid in second grade my school dident belive me when i got diagnose with dyslexia and dyspraxia. they said there was no such thing and it was an exuse that i didn't try hard enufe. soome told me the reson i was so clumsy was becouse i was fat. quite a few people have come up with theorys of why am like haw i am and trying to dismiss my diagnoises . a long the lines of she just stupid slow docent try hard enuve, she makes her self low she dose it for attention. i could go on for ever with exampules. i think some of the hate and prejudice i got was because of ignorantce, there isent a lot of comon knowledge about some of the isuse i face. people defanatly need more education on such issue as Bipolor and borderline personalatly desoder and any other disapilatys that are not well kown about.
i wont people to relise people like me are dealing with a hell of a lot and just because you cant see the strugels dosent mean there not there. for me i have seven diagnosed isuse all of wich are manly to do with how you brain functions. for the people who dont no no i have bipolar, eating desoder. borderline personalty desoder, erlings, dyslexia and dyspraxia and dyscalculia. plus all the isuse every won cope with. i dont think people rellly relse what a constent strugle it is for some like me i mean just having to deal with one is enove to cope with. copeing with my life can be really tuff it feels like a constent big war that you lose most of the time. you win ocasonly and for to second your ok and you lose it agin. dont get me wrong i have lurnt so much having all this isuse am a better person. it hard having inviiabale problems people just see a normal girl on the out side. people dont seam to under stand so
just remmber never juge a book by it cover u never now whar that person is deling with. just be mindful of the fact that person could be dealing with somthing,be careful about jumping to conclutions.
you dont no what that person hiding or going through at home or in there minds. take a minnute and think befor you hastely juge and think you no that person. never belittle what some going through it may seam like somthing small to you but it not to a nother person.
if u want to know about any more about the conditions i mestions in my blog i would be happy to try and expaine in more detail.
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