Wednesday, 30 October 2013

by now most of you know i am not normal i have to be diffrent in everything. i have a long list of promblems, like dislexia dispraxia bipolor urlings list could go on. people asume just becouse i have this problems that afect me on a daly basice, that they deed to rap me in coton wool so to speeek.
they  dont treat me like evey won else, they basacly treat me like i dont have a mind of my own and i wont a cheve things. there have been people that  dident belive i could finish school get qualafications or  do enthing becouse of my difficaltys. just becouse i have a difacaltys dosent mean  people have to treat me like  im less than a human being.

i dont see why i or eny won else should have to be treated diffrently and singeld out. i feel becosee of my problems i just have to work ten time harder to get what i want than other people who dont have my problems. it tock me a long time to relise that i could litraly do enthing if i but my mide to it. i was apresed so much when i was a kid i started to belive people at school who said i could do enthing. you have to look at your problems as somthing that will help you get some were in life dont see it as a hedrenss.
what i  am trying to say is dont let eny won stop u living your dreams dont let people treat u diffrently to other u have the same rights as evey won elase and just becouse you have problems donts mean your not going to get eny were.
it all about ditrmination and hard work and you relly can acheve enthing dispit your promlems never ever stop beliving.
i came out of school with 5 qualifiations. and now im at colige doing art. dont get me wrong evey day is a constent struggle for me but i never give up and i just keep trying.

and to those  people out there who want me to give up and amdmit defeet
it never going to happen im going to keep fighting my problems and get to the top just you wait and see

1 comment:

  1. Beth, you are such a fighter; way braver and more courageous than most people I know. Look at what you have achieved much :) listen honey...let the only limits you give yourself be those of your wildest dreams and your most creative moments..... :)
